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Let’s Be Candid…

Creamy Peanut Butter.


Strawberry Jam

Honey ( a MUST have)

Blue Band Margarine or Butter…

These are kids favorite all-time-spreads. Moms in the house will agree with me.
On One extremely Hot Saturday afternoon am doing some minor grocery shopping and as am in the dairy section picking some yoghurt, I see some “all natural Cheese’ Spread..,I get so excited because we love Sunday sandwiches and this was looking like a very good plan…..”yay”… I had my son in mind when I went ahead and purchased it. It was my most yay purchase that day. LOL…
So I get home and it’s the first thing I show him as I was unpacking. He is a very thankful boy. He hugs me and says all the thank you’s and hugs as I expected.
Following day…I make home made patties and use this spread and ketchup…and since he loooooves this meal am so happy..esp because the spread seems to be loved( I was 50/50…maybe the ketchup masked some taste now that I think of it)…mmmmh!
We go ahead with our usual day to day routine. One evening, he tells me he wants a sandwich. So I tell him I will use the cheese spread. Then he said, “mommy, that ‘thing’ is not so tasty…sorry but I don’t want it, it has a funny taste…!” LOL.
I hid my laughter and shock at the same time. Hid my laughter because the honesty was epic and shocked because he did not even try sugarcoat it. LOL

Kids- gotta love em!!
My point in this is HONESTY!!
I really appreciated it. Sometimes we really avoid being told things as they are. We hide and mask situations to avoid being hurt or hurting people.
Or you get to a point when it doesn’t matter at all. As much as it really does…
As they say, “kill them with the truth!”
Let’s be candid…
Am I fat in this dress?

Do these jeans make my butt big?

Do you like the meal I made?

Do my eyebrows give me a surprised look?

Do I have Kale on my teeth?
To be honest, first thing is you always have to trust your gut feeling and have self belief. Secondly, if they hesitate in answering then yeah that dress has added you some inches honey!! But if you feel good go ahead and rock it,,..!!
Don’t comfort people with lies. Tell it as it is so we can move on…
A hungry heart feeds on lies too so be careful. LOL
I still have my jar of cheese, still fresh… which am trying to find a fun way of using it. Any suggestions.. ??
In the meantime, peanut butter sandwich it is!!!

C’mon Inner Peace…

While I have been thinking about Growth and Coffee and all the good things…sparkles, good vibes, sundresses and lemonades…,vitamin Sea…., you wake up on days where being human kicks in fast and hard. And it can suck!! BIG-TIME!!!!!
When being the bigger one in ‘grown up’ situations makes you feel small in the big decisions,
When the search for the inner peace feels like a climb in a very steep mountain and trying to meditate feels like a bad joke.

When the phrase, ‘it’s one of those days” feels like three years squeezed into a day…
Deep breathing feels like you have done a thousand sprints in a span of a long minute and you can’t even catch up with your breathe….
When sleep evades you or you feel sleeping for 6 days because you just feel tired…
Then you meet people who have had it TOUGH!!!! I mean TOUGH!!!
You got nothing on what they go through. What being human to them means. Those people Who carry a bucket of water to put off your fire because that’s who they are.
They are downright HUMBLE.
They honestly just sit down and listen. They want to be heard but it’s not always about them. They don’t have the ‘I’ syndrome. And then they offer a simple, ‘it’s gonna be alright ‘ nod. Simple kind gestures. Kindness is theirs to keep.
And then you sit down and listen to them and just become stunned and shush. Because no words can come out right…
In that moment you are reminded that if we just sit and listen we will always hear the depth of what really goes on. That it’s okay to feel down and unworthy. But there is hope. There is a promise. That at the end of the day, we are just that….HUMAN!!!!!

Being Centred, Coffee and Happiness…

Three Mugs of Coffee ago, a clear and alert mind…like Really Alert, and an itch to just share what’s on my mind…
But before I do I would like to share a simple recipe for something refreshing it will AMAZE YOU….

coffee-chocolate-vanilla-whipped cream=HEAVEN!!! In a cup of brewed coffee add chocolate syrup like two tablespoons, some vanilla and a quarter cup of whipped cream… You be the Judge😉!!
Moving on.. 😊
So Basically, we should spend days being centered mind- body- spirit. Moving past the hurts and struggles.

By doing what we love and being with those who value and respect our time and presence. The chase for The happy has been like a full time job it has become stress….While the things we look for are not to be chased, they come so naturally but because we are busy focused on our daily struggles we keep missing them all the damn time.
What do I want?
I want Days spent getting lost in the right direction…
I want to be still and feel the moment…
I want to enjoy every breath I take…
Savor precious moments…
Good health..
Moments of Truth..
Appreciate people for who they are…
Be kind… To myself and to others..

Sometimes we get caught in fantasies and forget about realities,which eventually gets us messed up and confused when time has passed us by, and sadly that’s when the shoulda coulda woulda context comes in and brings most of us to depression….

Regretting the time we wasted not appreciating “living out loud”….
So as I add more sweet delightfulness of coffee and syrup into my being…, I say cheers to more awesome drinks like these, and more centered-ness…..for Enjoyment is just the sound of being Centered( Rajneesh)!

Share Your Shine…

I was reaching for my cup of cinnamon tea on a cold Wednesday afternoon and realized I had already had my last sip….dang!! Am not sure what time the last sip happened. I must have been engrossed in what I was reading and the song playing at the time…..Ordinary World- Red. And Am yet to decide which version I like best. Duran Duran or Red…. Maybe Both..? Let me know which one you prefer….But it’s so deep!!!
I knew I wanted to write down something. I am not sure what. I can’t say I woke up feeling all that yay…. I am fatigued and I need me a Vacation..but my day is good now..despite the cold…someone managed to cheer me up…:)..
Well sometimes it’s not about how tired we feel or how heavy the day seems. At times the beauty of knowing someone somewhere cares and thinks the world of you is all you need.

I am pretty sure that someone somewhere needs it and we need to share our sunshine regardless.
Our little actions and words can be a turning point indeed. They often go along way. Sometimes No one can tell what’s on another’s mind by just looking and assuming. The old lady seated next to me was very polite and she just said a warm, “Goodevening madam…” As she sat next to me in the bus I was in. I don’t particularly like that ‘madam’ part as it makes me feel old…LOL if anyone was to ask me how old I feel today I would say NOT sixty….. I would say 26. I think it’s a good age…kinda. Lol..

This is just an example of how a simple hello can help change the thought pattern… I guess the point is simple: kind gestures have to be fixed into our daily life…
So do Share your Sunshine!!

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